Sensory gym offers art classes for all children – KPLC 7 News
Posted: May 14, 2018

LAKE CHARLES, LA (KPLC) - We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym offers a safe and inclusive environment for children of all abilities. The sensory gym caters towards kids on the autism spectrum but is a great place for any child to learn while exercising. They have suspended swings, a zip line, trampoline, an indoor playground, sensory-based toys, a fine motor area, and arts and crafts. They also offer classes to…
Porter’s Pals: A Child Mentoring Program
Posted: May 7, 2018

We Rock the Spectrum Lake Charles is excited to share our newest program that will begin this summer: Porter's Pals. The idea started with local 10 year old Porter Pourciau and the programmed blossomed into something more than we could have imagined. Porter reached out to We Rock the Spectrum Lake Charles wanting to help children in any way possible by being a peer mentor and friend to those who visit the…
Posted: May 3, 2018

We Rock the Spectrum Lake Charles presents WRTS BOOK SPOTLIGHT! Any time we come across a book that we adore, we want to share it with YOU! Some books we will carry at the gym while others can be purchased online. For the books that can be purchased online, we will add a link to the bottom to make it easy shopping! WRTS Book Spotlight: Red and Blue Red and…
3714 Common Street, Suite E, Lake Charles, LA 70607
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