Porter’s Pals: A Child Mentoring Program
We Rock the Spectrum Lake Charles is excited to share our newest program that will begin this summer: Porter’s Pals. The idea started with local 10 year old Porter Pourciau and the programmed blossomed into something more than we could have imagined. Porter reached out to We Rock the Spectrum Lake Charles wanting to help children in any way possible by being a peer mentor and friend to those who visit the gym. His main message is the message of inclusion and understanding others that may learn different or react different in certain situations. His motto for Porter’s Pals is “building friendships through inclusive activities and mentoring,” which is something the gym built its foundation on.
This program will give children the opportunity to have a meaningful experience during their summer break, become a role model to those younger, and lead by example to same-age peers. Children participating in this program will be able to grow and see how patience, understanding, and acceptance can have a huge impact on everyone. The children they will be paired with will be able to learn from them, build confidence, and have an all around amazing time.
Porter’s Pals will be built with volunteers ages 10-15 to pair up with children participating in our summer camps and social skills camps. We are looking for children who show the following:
- ability to connect with others
- patience and understanding
- listening skills and direction following
- model respectful behavior
- desire to make a difference in our community
The activities they will be assisting with during our camps are as follows:
- safe, gym play
- pretend play
- puzzles/games
- sensory activities
- arts and crafts
- story time
For our social skills camp in August, we will be preparing children with special abilities for the 2018-2019 school year. Setting up our party room as a mock classroom, your child will be modeling good school behavior and assisting with activities such as classroom procedures, lunch procedures, and gym/recess procedures to build on appropriate social skills.
We Rock the Spectrum Lake Charles and Porter’s Pals will be needing volunteers for the following camp dates: June 11-15, July 9-13, and August 6-10. The hours are from 9 am -2 pm.
**Training will be provided** This opportunity can also go towards apostolic hours needed by students in the community.
If this is something your child is interested in or you know would benefit from, please contact the gym at 337-419-1986 or email us at info@werockthespectrumlakecharles.com.
We are looking forward to an AMAZING and MEANINGFUL summer!
3714 Common Street, Suite E, Lake Charles, LA 70607
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